Technical Design Report

For X-EP1 One Man Craft

Ted Walter Schulze


X-EP-1 view 1




Table of Contents

Technical Design Report----------------------------------------1

1. Craft Specifications and projected performance------3 


The propulsion system-------------------------------------------4

FIGURE 1------------------------------------------------------------5

Disclosure Notice---------------------------------------------------6



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1. Craft Specifications and projected performance.

The craft is designed as a flying circular disk shaped platform that has the
following approximate specifications.

1. Outside Diameter-------------------------------------------------------------------8 feet
2. Height from the ground to the top of the disk Approximately ------28.00 inches
3. Height from the top of the disk to the top of the pilot safety ring.--46.00 inches.
4. The pilot safety ring inside diameter is ------------------------------------28.5 inches.
5. Landing support ring diameter is---------------------------------------------71.5 inches

1. The craft weight ready to fly without the pilot is approximately----------150 Lb.
2. The rechargeable battery pack weight is about -------------------------------40 Lb.
3. Maximum total takeoff weight with a 200 lb pilot about --------------------400 Lb

1. Maximum flight time with standard battery pack---------------------------60 min.
2. Maximum time in hover mode---------------------------------------------------75 min
3. Maximum forward speed -----------------------------------------------------120 MPH


Flight control.

1. The power thrust direction is always straight up so to change direction the pilot must shift his weight in the direction of the desired direction of travel. The flat top of the disk will be tilted down in forward flight causing the airflow over the top to push the craft down, so to maintain the same altitude the pilot must simply apply more power to compensate, at the same time the forward speed will increase. This will allow the craft to be able to stop and reverse direction very fast by the pilot simply leaning backward. I know that this is counter intuitive to normal aerodynamic lift that is normally needed to save fuel.

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But because the electrical propulsion system in this craft is so very efficient the need to conserve energy is not as great. I know that the claim that I am making about the efficiency of the power supply is hard to believe, and you will want to know more, but I can't disclose how that is accomplished at this time.  


The propulsion system.



Disclosure Notice.

 All rights reserved. The information in this report may contain information that could be patentable at a later date by Ted Walter Schulze. The reader is free to use copy and distribute freely as long as the original content is not changed or altered in any way. An original copy is kept on file for comparison.

Author Ted Walter Schulze , Perry City Utah.

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