This is a Solidworks image of our entery in the
                                 $2,000,000  GoFly challenge sponsored by the
                                                       BOEING Aircraft Co.

                                           This project was never funded
                                 because sadly this entery was rejected by GoFly.
                                            One Man Flying Machine Project 

electron propulsion one man flying craft x-ep-1
                                               "Electron Propulsion"

So to begin with I realized a long time ago that the craft were somehow powered by electricity and propelled by that same electron current . And I also realized  that because the craft were operating in our air space that the operating principle of the craft had to be based on the same physics that we use in our understanding of our world here on planet earth. So I understood that some part of our basic understanding of physics as it is taught is not being understood correctly. I will explain as we go along and you read this report.

This was a problem of understanding the flow of electrons , and using visualization and experiments to prove or disprove the many ideas that came to me. And after you study this and understand it, you will see how very simple the solution to the problem really is, and that one of the answers was hiding in plain sight all along.


Please note that you are free to share this information and build hardware based on this disclosure for your own use, but I Ted Walter Schulze reserve all my rights if a company builds craft based on this disclosure for profit, I may seek compensation based on a patent pending application that will disclose this new propulsion principle.



Disclosure Notice.

 All rights reserved. The information in this report may contain information that could be patentable at a later date by Ted Walter Schulze. The reader is free to use copy and distribute freely as long as the original content is not changed or altered in any way. An original copy is kept on file for comparison.

Author Ted Walter Schulze , Perry City Utah.

You can be a part of this history making discovery by
making a small donation, so we can continue with our
R&D experiments. Our goal is to build flying prototypes
and to have full disclosure to the public of how the
technology works for the benefit of all mankind !


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