This page is dedicated to images of some of the prototypes I built in
my small machine shop in my garage. And then tested in trying to solve the Electron Propulsion
problem. And you should note that most of these experiments did not work in the way I was expecting, In other
words they were failed experiments. But they helped by a process of elimination to show me what was not
causing the propulsion. So they were not totally wasted experiments because
each experiment forced me to rethink what was happening in a different way, and it was training my
thought process to rethink the problem in a different way.
I did different experiments with the 7 hexagon device below.
I did some some eddy current experiments with
a multi sheet layered hexagon lifter shown below.
A different configuration of the hexagon
image just above this one.
Another Configuration.
This one I haven't had time to test yet.
New experimental prototype construction photos below.
As of 7/22/2019.
Photo below shows the EP3 experiment test unit
assembly, with out the bottom dome added yet.
Outer top dome.
EP3- Inner
Inside center section with 6
diodes connected to a 6 conductor
ribbon cable wound around a central capacitor, and the outer inductor
wires are connected to bottom of the groove that locates the inner
Inside inner section image
Inside inner section image
I will try and post a video
of the results of this experiment
sometime next week, so check back soon.
You can be a part of this
history making discovery by
making a small donation, so we can continue with our
R&D experiments. Our goal is to build flying prototypes
and to have full disclosure to the public of how the
technology works for the benefit of all mankind !
As of 8/01/2019 I have received zero
donations so
I hope you can
understand why i am slow on the updates.